Chloe Hopkins

Chloe Hopkins
Passionate Player


Chloe has always had a passion for football from a young age, she started playing football in primary school and joined her school team as a midfielder, she then went on to join Cwmamman United still as a midfielder she was the only girl on the team, she also joined her secondary school team this time as a goalkeeper and Briton ferry Llansawel girls. She is now at college doing level 3 sports coaching and development to peruse her passion for sport but her dream is to become a goalkeeper hopefully for Manchester United women’s team any opportunity she gets to play football she takes it whenever she’s feeling down or upset she puts on her football boots and have a kick about and will feel much better after. Her hero is Ella toone who has inspired her further to follow her dream and not give up. She’s also looking forward to teaching her little brother to play football when he gets older to

Reason for nomination:

She is a very talented and dedicated player and has followed and Persaud her dream dispite setbacks in her life and even when other children have said football is for boys she still carried on and is determined to prove them wrong and supports all other players on every team she has played for


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