Rose Wignall

The Business of Sport


Rose has just completed her Masters in Sport management, politics and international development at Loughborough university. She passed with distinction. This was despite all the extra curricula activity she took on in the 12 months she was there. She played Handball for the first time, winning silver at the BUCS championship. She won the event management volunteer of the year while she was there. She was the Loughborough Lightening media officer (women’s cricket team). She qualified as an FA referee. She volunteered at a refugee charity Baca refugee charity and achieved level 1 in BSL (British Sign Language). Continuing with her love of sport and her desire to use sport to help and support disadvantaged communities she has acquired the position of Volunteers Coordinator for the Special Olympics which will take place in Berlin in June 2023.

Reason for nomination:

When Rose was studying in Newcastle she set up a women’s football team but she was still a quiet shy young person until she went to study in Singapore in 2019/2020. She came back a more confident and determined person who wanted to use sport to help individuals develop. While in Singapore she went on a volunteer mission to Myanmar to help at an orphanage. She saw first hand how sport and community helped raise the spirits of the children there. She has continued this desire to help by getting a position with the Special Olympics which “is a global movement that unleashes the human spirit every day around the world through the transformative power and joy of sport” . He passion to use sport to help others deserves to be recognised.

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