Sana Gill

They have dedicated major of their life to football and community football which is not for everyone on a voluntary basis and I feel this organisation needs the recognition in order to get more girls involved and noticed as we don’t have that support to promote the Asian girls in football and hope to break a player into the first team one day.
Reason for nomination:
The time, effort, drive, passion and commitment on a voluntary basis since 2002 going above and beyond in order to better the community and grassroots team. Giving over ten hours a week from coaching to managing and being there always for young and old no matter if it’s players, parents, other coaches she is involved and available to all no matter what she is a true inspiration role model that loves the sport and this would be the best thing to ever happen to her and the organisation this person deserves everything coming to her as this is a genuine person that has been consistently been there and ran the project to better the life’s of others.
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