Jasmira Bhabra

Jasmira Bhabra
Media Masterminds

Reason for nomination:

Although I was always sure I’d go into Sport or Broadcast Media when I was in school, not seeing anyone like me in that space, and a lack of confidence, made me turn away. At the time, there weren’t so many South Asian women who worked in Sport getting screen time or the spotlight shone on them.
When I got my first job in social media, my favourite part was creating a safe, positive space for a community to thrive. Whether it’s supporting a sport, team or each other, social media has such a powerful influence to bring out the best in people - and it’s fun too start the conversation. When I started sharing individuals’ exercise journeys in my first social media role, the authentic, relatable stories are what touch and ignite people to make a change.
I currently do this on the Sport England’s social media team for the This Girl Can campaign. I feel very fortunate to share everyday women’s stories that inspire and encourage others to get active, but I also had the opportunity to interview a couple of the Lionesses at a Sport England funded trial day for girls. Two things stuck me: I definitely felt that interviewing and creating content in sport, and that the need for diversifying the sector and offering opportunities for children from different ethnic backgrounds is important to see change in the space.
From this I’ve decided to reach out to local grassroots teams and keep creating content for them, as well and try and meet people in the sector who share the same vision to diversify it, whether that be at grassroots, recreationally, or even at elite level. I want to turn my former social blog page into a space for this, as I’m comfortable being behind the camera and creating behind the scenes for now.


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