Jess Hilditch

Jess Hilditch
Media Masterminds

Reason for nomination:

Jess is the writer of ‘She Will Play On’, a short film exploring sexism and classism in Women’s Football. The filmmakers behind the project look to encourage upcoming talent both on and behind the screen. Partnered with Her Game Too and Nottinghamshire FA, they have completed their shoot are now beginning post production.

Jess and the director, Grace, have collaborated to create such a significant message that impact society today. Whilst presenting the harsh reality of how girls are treated when playing the sport, they also provoke a sense of hope and support to encourage the next generation of footballers.

I was so privileged to work on this production as a Producer. Something that comes to mind during our shoot was a young footballer, who was an extra in the film from a local football club, was being treated differently by the boys in the team. She was a lot taller than the others and the boys kept making fun of her and referring her as ‘one of the lads’. She later went up to the 1st AD and said ‘It’s really cool what you guys are doing here, I get it and it’s something I can relate with’.

This honestly opened my mind so much and made me realise why I am working on this project. Even if we can impact one young girls life and encourage her that she can play and she is a warrior, it builds their confidence so much that they become stronger as both a women and a footballer.


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