
Community Champions

Reason for nomination:

I'd like to nominate Tanvi as she is a great mum who always finds the time to be at our club coaching the U9's boys as well as coming up with some great ideas for fundraising and helping out the committee with different way of bringing in money to our club. She's not been with our club that long but already she's become an assistant coach and the teams mentor and champion, which is a role she does in her normal day to day life helping young people at Pupil Referral Units and United Boarders. Her community centres work in N/W and West London. She's the mother of one of our U9 players who originally came to our club as a parent taking their son to football, but quickly got involved in helping out and then becoming apart of the coaching set up. I’m not sure how she does it but she always finds the time to not only help him with his football development but others in the team and the wider club. She's very willing to learn her coaching craft and has already completed her playmaker and is currently completing the Introduction to coaching course. She regularly posts messages in our coaches hub for other coaches to learn and reflect on which is of great help to our wider coaching community at the club. She is about to go onto a referees course in the next few days and embark on that journey as well, as there are many times at younger age football that coaches or parents have to step up and referee those games and she has told me that due to a lack of women, and women of colour in both coaching and refereeing and the fact that she wants to carry out that role correctly and having a proper understanding of refereeing also knowing what she's talking about and be qualified in that position speaks volumes of the person she is and what she prepared to do to achieving her goals. More importantly what she aims to achieve to help young people. She has definitely found another vocation with us and long may she continue to thrive as a coach, a mentor, a future referee but more importantly as a great example to girls and woman to see a true community champion going from strengths to strength. As I have told her on many occasions a future Chair or Vice Chair of our club!!


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