Anna couzens

Reason for nomination:
I am very passionate about content creation and would love to be able to make a difference in the football world. I would love to work in creating more awareness and positivity surrounding mental health and disability in women’s football. As a disabled person myself I find that the lack of diversity in that aspect on women’s football creators is staggering so I want to make a difference so other young girls see that it is possible! I am currently a wheelchair user and think that this is something that can be used powerfully as it is very unusual to see wheelchair users in the lime light therefore making many wheelchair users often limit their career options. This has also had a big impact on my mental health in the past so I know the importance of speaking out. My sister is also a professional sports person so I know the impact that the life of a professional sports person has on an athletes mental health. I have always been really passionate about women’s football and want to use my love to make a difference.
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